You Put the "U" in Uvula
2 months ago
You Put the "U" in Uvula
You've been discovered, and she thinks you stink. so many times you have played her face she would make if she saw you, and never did you think it would be one of disgust. she seems more please with how you taste when she licks you than she does with your scent. now you are trembling, as she teases and tastes you with her tongue. she doesn't seem interested in eating you, but that does not mean she doesn't have a taste for tinies. she makes you watch as she plays with another in her mouth, she kisses you and smiles. maybe she likes you? she likes to taunt you, anyway. she shows you the inside of her mouth. she tosses you inside, then pulls you out. she displays her tongue up close and personal, flicking and flipping it as to show you what she could her throat is wide and her saliva is thick. her uvula hangs, swinging and dripping. she plays with her tongue and spit. she flexes her throat for you over and over. she shows you how she can roll her tongue. you find yourself more mesmerized than terrified. you find yourself turned on. she can tell, and she likes it. she pauses, biting her lip, before pulling you back to give you a more well-lit view of her mouth and back of her throat. she then pulls you back in to show you more tongue tricks. she really wants to show you what she could do to you, so she incorporates the previous tiny to help demonstrate, before letting her fall off her tongue and replacing her with you.