Teddy v Miss Vox Gi Feet
5 months ago
Teddy v Miss Vox Gi Feet
The fantastic miss vox is always up for a challenge and this time was no different as she faced off against the tough and mighty teddy in this gi feet match! dressed in their traditional gi gear, the two women faced off across from one another on the monica’s wrestling centre mats and both ladies appeared confident and well up for the fight that was about to take place. teddy has a clear size advantage and looks to make it count in the opening stages but miss vox shows she is no pushover and doesn’t yield easily as the fight picks up a good pace straight away. both ladies are looking to use their feet to devastating effect and they rarely miss the opportunity to use them to try to apply skilled chokeholds as they seek those much-wanted submissions. they also get to show off their determined and stubborn sides too as they resist the urge to give when lesser mortals would have done when put in the same perilous position! as the contest wears on, teddy tries to use her size to try to overwhelm miss vox but the smaller brunette does her best to fend off the attacks and try to instigate her own offensive moves to counter her opponent’s. they battle all over the mats applying a variety of holds and getting into positions where their feet can be used in the best possible way. and you can clearly see how much effort both miss vox and teddy are putting into this judging by their sweaty faces as the match draws to its conclusion! by the end, one of the ladies has managed to pull clear over her rival but she knows she has been in a real fight - even if she does gleefully taken her beaten foe’s black belt at the end!