Leashed Pup Made To Stinky Butt Sniff
3 months ago
Leashed Pup Made To Stinky Butt Sniff
Sweet little pet, you love being humiliated and so i have just the thing. as i fashion a collar and leash on you, you feel subservient but not yet humiliated. you think perhaps i'm being too gentle on you as the bone gag is placed in your mouth. drooling on yourself is embarrassing but not too bad.. that's when the plan is revealed. you'll be turned into a pup and made to sniff my gorgeous ass. pups love sniffing butts after all. i have you pulled tight in my curves, sniffing away when you notice a rotten odor. that's when it becomes apparent that i'm turning you into a nasty little fart smelling pet. you're droling in your gag all over yourself as the scent fills your nostrils. i have fun pinning your head between my ass cheeks and letting the smell percolate as you gag and can't breathe clean air. seevral times i let loose with a mix of wet and silent farts until i let you have a small breather. after all, i have to wait for the coffee and indian food i just ate before seeing yuou kick in for the next round.