Views: 44
Duration: 13:01
Submitted: 6 months ago
Description: L’acceptation d’une candidature importante pour paul est attendue. celui-ci avait confié il y a quelques semaines à alix, le petit ami, d’envoyer le dossier n’ayant pas le temps.  son oncle ce matin arrive porteur d’une mauvaise nouvelle : dossier refusé pour dépôt hors délai. devant l’impassibilité de paul, vittan agacé reprends d’ancienne méthode qu’alix va découvrir indirectement. paul is waiting for the acceptance of an important application. a few weeks ago, he had asked alix, his boyfriend, to send the application since he didn't have the time. this morning, his uncle arrived with bad news: the application was rejected because it was submitted late. as paul remained indifferent, an annoyed dominique resorted to an old method, which alix would indirectly discover