The Repressed Teacher and The Cruel, Manipulative Student
6 months ago
The Repressed Teacher and The Cruel, Manipulative Student
A pupil calls her classmates to misinform of the a change in location concerning the place where they are supposed to meet for an educational excursion. the teacher is surprsied when she shows up to only see the girl waiting at the bus stop. as they are running late, the teacher assumes that the rest of the class has gone on ahead so they press on to th research centre which is the intended location for the excursion. the pupil deliberately makes sure they go a strange way where they will inevitably get lost and that is just what happens. they sit down to rest and a conversation between the two unfolds which ends up making the teacher feel very uncomfortable. it is insinuated that she has inappropriate thoughts about her students. the pupil is deliberately creating a very awkward atmosphere for her own amusement. the teacher gets up to leave as she has had enough of the strangeness but the pupil immediately grabs her and puts her arm around her throat. the teacher is naturally very surprised by this behaviour but the girl is strong and persistent. the girl then proceeds to utterly humiliate and break down her teacher by licking her fcae, kissing her, throttling her, and holding her nose and kissing her until she gasps. the teacher is a very proper woman and would never consider engaging in inappropriate behaviour with her pupils and the girl knows this. however, she also suspects that her teacherrepresses her desire for other women so the pupil wants to humilate her and also make her feel guilty for even slightly enkoying it. she fights her urge to enjoy the kiss and the girl knows how many mixed smotions she is causing in her teacher. the confused teacher submits to what is happening to her and at the end, the student switches up her behaviour to that of a more caring and understanding one to double down on the psychological torment of her teacher.