Shady black market chemist and accidental gelding - CASTRATION, CASTRATRIX
3 months ago
Shady black market chemist and accidental gelding - CASTRATION, CASTRATRIX
You always had a problem with the length and the thickness of your penis. let's admit it : your dick is just small and miserable . you have spent horrible money and time to find a solution that can make your cock become bigger, and later you started to search for a solution via the deep web. on a shady site you have found a black-marketplace where a young alternative chemist promised that your cock could grow 5-8 centimeters, and become even more fatter thanks to her product. of course the price of that liquid was super high, but you felt the urge to buy it, so maybe your suffering might end. for your biggest surprise the chemist is a hot blonde woman who gives you a shady brown bottle after the transaction, and tells you to consume her product. as you emptied the bottle you will notice nausea and intense pain between your legs. she will encourage you to open up your pants and for your biggest surprise you will witness that your dick has grown extra 8 centimeters more, and became twice as thick as it was. she will encourage you to masturbate in front of her, because she wants to see the outcome of her project, but halfway of your experiment you will start to notice some horrible side effects... the product needs more development i suppose...