Maryana and her Little Roommates 4K VR360

Views: 54
Duration: 34:10
Submitted: 7 months ago
Title: Maryana and her Little Roommates 4K VR360
Description: This is the very first custom clip maryana did at home in ukraine.  below you find the plot (i had to replace a lot of bad words... ).  i think she did a great job! and her english is getting better and better :)   maryana has a pest problem. naked tiny bugmans wandering in her new apartment. they steal some food and make problems. she is not afraid of them, but enjoys to hit and torment this useless tiny bugs when she can catch one. the first one will be new to her, but with the others she knows what to do (she lets only the last one alive for a while). a) i try to steal a piece of chips, i’m struggling to pull it on the kitchen floor. unfortunately, maryana comes home earlier, than i expected. she storms into the kitchen and accidentally crushes the chips flat very close to me with shoe01. „oops!” she looks down and sees me. „hi buggy, what are you doing down there, ha?” she towers over me and i am sorrounded by her giant sneakers. she is tapping on the ground and shows me how easily could be crushed between and under her shoes. „run for your life, hehe!” she closes my way with some hard stomps from different directions. „no escape!” when she is ready with her little game, the sole of her shoe slowly comes closer and closer to me. in the last moment before the end she changes her mind and wants to see what kind of bug is it. b) i’m still on the ground when her face smiling face comes close to me. it’s a real tiny man, she has never seen something like this before! she grabs me with her hand and checks me even more closer with her eyes. she becomes very excited. „my name is maryana, whats your name?” she puts me close to her ear for the answer than she laughs into my face: „help me, help me! hahaha!”-she mocks my helpless screams. she makes three selfies with me on her mobile phone: 1. puts me close to her smiling face, 2. kisses me with her giant lips, 3. she plays to eat me and i am close to her opened mouth. she sends these funny pics to her best ukrainian girlfiend, than calls her on the mobile phone. i am still in her hand close to her face when she explains in ukrainian what she found and wants to keep this cute and funny creature as her pet. unfortunately, her girlfriend disagrees, maybe take a good care of him would be problematic. so maryana puts me back onto the ground. „sorry!” – plays some apologise. „bye, bye!” – crushes me with shoe1 and enjoys the crunchy sound! the second tiny is trapped in the sink like a little spider and can’t climb out. maryana needs some water after the first scene so she runs some water into a glass from the tap above me. she didn’t notice me yet, but there is nowhere to hide. she drinks the water, than puts the glass into the sink, almost crushes me with it. she sees me. „oh, you can’t climb out, ha? wait, i can help you!” she goes back with a tissue paper and grabs me with it. „haha, stupid bug!” she squeezes me with her fingers in the tissue paper close to her smiling face. she throw out my remains into the dust bin. it's time for maryana to take off her shoes and socks, and change to her white slippers! the third tiny tries to find a hiding place between her slippers close to the wall. she takes off her shoes and socks and puts her bare feet into the slippers very close to me. she sees me. „oh, an other one, would you like to play? ” she puts her toes into my face. „kiss them, tiny bitch!” after i finished with her toes he throws her smelly socks on me. „do you like the smell, hehehe? i can give you more!” she puts me into her sneaker and closes the entrance with her dirty sock! she let me inside for a short time without any fresh air, then checks my condition. she opens my „prison” and yells at me: „booh!” „oh, the smell didn't finish you, strong little guy!” she puts me into her slipper under her heel. „i hope you can hold my weight! ready?” splash! she crushes me with her bare heel in her slipper, and loves to feel my smashed body under her feet. maryana wants to eat something so goes to the table. the fourth tiny is on the chair, and she doesn't notice it! she simply sits on it completely unaware, and it vanishs under her giant butt there is a plate on the table with some tiny fruits, the fifth tiny man stands close to them. maryana picks up the first fruit and eats it. when she tries to pick the second one, she sees me. „how dare you, this is my food, not yours!” she puts me at the edge of the table in the company of the second tiny fruit. „you have to pay!” she simply smashes the fruit with her finger to scare me. „beg for your life or you are the next!” she wants to entertain before the end, so hits the table hard with her hand, barely misses me. „jump! higher, haha!” she wants me to roll around, so rolls her finger above me to show the direction. „faster!” i become tired, so i can't do anymore what she wants. „oh, you want to rest, i can help you!” she rolls a magazine or a newspaper and threatens me with it. she says „good night!” with a big smile and crushes me with it like a little fly. maryana lays on the bed and finds the last tiny close to her face. this one is a handsome tiny guy. „oh no, am so tired of you!” she plays with me with her fingers for a little bit close to her face. she is very tired and has no energy to finish me. she yawns into my face and the air is filled with her warm breath. „give me a kiss!” she kisses me with her giant lips. „good boy, maybe i should keep you alive. i will decide later.” she covers me with her hand and falls to dreams. the last lucky tiny survived, but who knows what happens when maryana wakes up. the end language: english, some ukranian   camera:theta v     4k  (not available in 6k)