Mega Fast Food Car Binge
4 months ago
Mega Fast Food Car Binge
Includes: face stuffing/over eating, public eating, burps, belly play/fat jiggling my new favorite activity has become going to multiple fast food drive throughs in a single outing, it just feels so unbelievably greedy and indulgent, not to mention it's so much fun! today i'm bringing you along as i chain three different drive throughs! i start off at our fast food stop, usually i'd try to exercise a little self control and wait until i got home to chow down but of course i have to show off for you, so i pull over right away and destroy my food as i quickly put in an order for even more greasy fast food, barely stopping to breathe in between my huge bites! then it's on to the next drive through, and more greedy public eating! half way through my second meal i have to officially release the rapidly bloating belly my greed has resulted in, giving it a good rub of course. i've gone far past caring if anyone can see me as i jiggle myself and continue to shove mouthfuls of sugary pie in as fast as i can! once i'm done, it's on to the final restaurant and then home, where i attack my final treat, a third cheeseburger and giant egg rolls, in optimum comfort. i fully expose my fat to shake and jiggle my bloated belly as i shove in bites until i'm too stuffed to continue, i hope you'll be impressed with my greed ~