Forever a pussy free loser
4 months ago
Forever a pussy free loser
You’re going to be a beta virgin forever because you have an intense fear of speaking to women. how absolutely horrible for you but that’s just how the universe intended for you to be. you’ve accepted this fact about yourself, maybe even too much? it’s so well passed the point of acceptance that you’ve seemed to start sexualizing it. you’ve done your research on the topic and now find yourself masturbating to cuckolding porn and fantasize about being cucked yourself. not only that, you now start to seek out porn that humiliates you for being a cuck. how absolutely delicious for someone like me. someone that truly hates virgin betas like you. someone that likes to rub it in your face that you’ll always be this way and there’s nothing you can do but feed into it. you’re most unsafe place is here with me, watching my humiliating clips. and you fucking love it.