Angry Road Laborer Becomes Bimbo and Stops Traffic With Giant Growing Tits WMV
7 months ago
Angry Road Laborer Becomes Bimbo and Stops Traffic With Giant Growing Tits WMV
Asma is working on the roads controlling traffic. despite her fluro vest and stop sign, she’s having problems getting the cars to stop when she wants them to stop! after having a morning of swearing at drivers not paying attention to her, she decides that she needs something bigger to get the drivers’ attention. she looks down at her flat chest, and decides that bigger tits is just the thing that may work! at home, she remembers that she purchased growth snakes late at night on the shopping channel on tv. she hunts them out, and eats one, before promptly falling to rest after a hard days work. upon waking in the morning, she is surprised to see that those growth snakes actually worked - her flat chest has sprouted two plump breasts. in shock and confusion, she touches them and views her new nipples, before heading off to work to try them out - not before having another growth snake! at work, her larger breasts don't yet seem to be having the effect she was hoping. she has another 2 growth snakes - bringing her to 3 for the day! it's not long before her breasts start to ache and cause discomfort. the snakes take effect, resulting in larger, heavier, bouncier tits! she attempts to stop traffic with her voluptuous chest, and it works! her breasts bust out from her fluro vest as she gets the drivers to stop for her. she is left on the road with her tits out, before feeling faint and feeling her breasts paining again. oh no - no again! when asma returns to work, she seems to have become less aggressive and more ditsy. and that's not all, her boobs have grown even bigger! they’re bouncy and hang right down to her waist. she chats with you with her tits out, every exclamation and giggle making her tits bounce and wiggle. her problem now - the drivers won't go! they’re too busy looking at asma’s tits. her boss calls her on the radio, letting her know that he's ready and waiting to assess the problem….