she ll shove you with her breasts TT
5 months ago
she ll shove you with her breasts TT
You and another woman will be wearing blouses, leggings and platform sandals both pairs similar. the video starts with you walking into a room. the other woman will walk behind with you, putting her breasts on your back (her hands behind her own back). next: her: breast to back bitch you'll walk into the center of the room, stop there, and begin arguing while her breasts are still on your back. after 30 seconds she'll shove you with her breasts and then bump you a few times. you'll then turn around, get in her face (hands behind your own back as well), and begin a nose to nose talking staredown. nose to nose (pressing and mashing noses into each other), lips to lips (touching and brushing lips while talking to each other), breast to breast, belly to belly and toe to toe). next: you: now we are belly to belly her: uh huh. uh huuuuuuuuuhhhh! (she nods as she says this) you. and breast tobreast her: toe to toe toeing bitch you'll both continue to argue with each other until the end of the video. at some point you stomp your foot on the floor against the side of her foot and start toe tapping for about a minute. then you'll put your foot sideways on the top of hers until the end of the video.