Elena Gyno Exam Speculum, Stething, BP
6 months ago
Elena Gyno Exam Speculum, Stething, BP
Elena is at the doctors office for a routine medical / gyno exam. the doctor and her assistant perform the following procedures on her:1: clothes on, sitting position:- check throat and tongue- check pupils- check bp2: top takes off, bare chested, sitting position:- auscultation with steth of lungs at the front and back- palpation of lungs on her back (knocking)- auscultation of heart3: all clothes off, patient moves onto gyno exam table:- palpation of breasts (sitting position yet)- abdominal palpation (prone gyno position)- abdominal exam, vaginal exam with two hands- inserts speculum, vaginal exam and takes sample after the exam the patient cleans herself up and leave the room. an excellent gyno exam, medical exam clip with the beautiful newcomer elena. with bp, stething, auscultation, palpation, breast, abdominal and vaginal exam, speculum. a must see clip for all medical exam and gyno exam fans.