Jilted Giantess Entraps Ex Lovers
9 months ago
Jilted Giantess Entraps Ex Lovers
Your ex gf invites you to her house to talk. this is super weird because you were a total pos to her and you know it. who knows? maybe she wants 1 last fuck to seal the deal or something? being the arrogant fuck you are you see no reason to not go. whats the worst that could happen? shes gonna cry or something.. when you arrive she seems in good spirits as she lays on the bed telling you that she isnt seeking out revenge and isnt feeling some type of way about it all. she looks good in that dress, but boy it is hot in here. its a real hot summers day and you feel the heat creeping up on you. she offers you refreshment which you accept.. ahh. perfect. exactly what you needed.. just something to quench that thirst. next scene : you open your eyes and ... wtf.. you are tiny?! wtf has happened? has the world grown enormous or have you shrunk.. oh fuck.. there she is! you should have known better.. she did this. she shrunk you and she is seeking some fucking revenge. she laughs and mocks you and asks what its like to feel so small now.. she then brings out another guy, another ex!! apparently he was even worse than you.. and now you're both here.. tiny and shrunk and a toy at her disposal. she tells you shes going to show you both what its like to be a toy now, a toy thats being played with... oh no!!!! how have you got yourself into this situation?! she entraps both of you and teases you in her giantess holes while you both squirm. she says she is going to make you both her little ass slaves forever as she demands you both beg for foriveness and mercy