Banana Peel Slipping In Flip FLops & Heels, *FULL VERSION* -Mp4 1920x1080p
9 months ago
Banana Peel Slipping In Flip FLops & Heels, *FULL VERSION* -Mp4 1920x1080p
I am trying to get ready for a party but i dont have much time. walking back and forth while putting together my party outfit and finishing up my make-up, i find that the floor is rather slippery for some reason. or maybe it's my flip flops, i'm not sure. either way, there is no time to waste right now. i am so excited about my party and i want everything to be perfect. but i just keep slipping sliding all around! hopefully i'm not this clumsy at the party! i return home from my party, and it appears my roommate must have been there while i was gone. the party was so great though i have forgotten about my slippery afternoon earlier. i proceed to do some chores.. folding laundry and tidying up a bit. but while walking back and forth, something seems to be making me slip again! at first i do not pay much attention to the slippery floor, i just keep doing what i'm trying to do even though i keep slipping around. but eventually, i have had enough. i notice a whole unpeeled banana left on the table. it's time i let off some steam! i toss the whole banana down next to slippery peel that has found it's way back onto my floor. them, the crushing begins. i walk over the banana a couple times causing it to squish out of the peel. then i stomp it wearing my black heels until i am satisfied with my work.