APOLLO: Intruder's Endoscope Journey: From Entry to Exit - Vore Macrophilia
6 months ago
APOLLO: Intruder's Endoscope Journey: From Entry to Exit - Vore Macrophilia
recently i've noticed a lot of my stuff has been moved or disappearing. it all becomes clear when i see you! a tiny little person that has been secretly living in my house for years. who are you? what do you want? why are you here? i can barely hear you because you are so small. listen little guy, you need to answer my questions or i'm going to make your life hell. i tease you with the idea of trapping you in a glass prison by putting a glass over you. in fact, i think it's time we teach you a lesson once and for all little guy. let's shrink you down even smaller! i push on your head and squish you into even more of a tiny person. i give you two options. we are either going to stamp on you and put you out of your tiny pathetic misery like i am stomping out a cigarette on the floor, or i'm going to swallow you entirely. time will tell.. i show off my giant body, my hairy chest and big bulging muscles, whilst towering above you. i continue to shrink you down, smaller and smaller - this is where i switch to my endoscope camera and give you a unique view of my insides! i put the tiny camera in my ear holes showing off my ear hair and ear drums, up my nostrils, deep into my mouth and throat, into my belly button, through my hairy pits. this gives you a sight that you have never seen before! at the end, i swallow you and then describe the digestion process and how you are suffering in my stomach. themes: endoscope, endoscopy, endoscopic, macrophilia, giant, tiny, vore, shrinking, growth filename: 20240519_endo_macro.mp4