Charlie Monaco & Will Justice; The Honey Trap
9 months ago
Charlie Monaco & Will Justice; The Honey Trap
Following up on reports of the disappearance of a beautiful heiress, the courageous crimefighter will justice follows a lead to an isolated farmhouse where he believes the missing woman may be being held captive. sure enough, the tanned, stunning brunette charlie monaco is indeed awaiting rescue but looks mysteriously relaxed about the whole thing?! sat in the lounge, the gorgeous heiress hums a tune through the bandana that cleave gags her and crosses her thigh-high black leather booted legs whilst impatiently awaiting her saviour. her arms are tied behind her back but the super sexy captive strangely doesn't seem at all bothered by her predicament... suddenly she hears a voice calling her name and realises it must be the very person she has been expecting... the great leather-clad scourge of crime, will justice himself! instantly, she changes her tune and starts to struggle, whimpering pathetically into her gag and looking desperately in the direction of the curtains that cover the entrance to the room. will enters and gasps when he sees the unbelievably sexy heiress sitting in the armchair before him. he immediately squats down and tries to reassure charlie that she is now safe as he unties her arms from behind her back and removes her gag. straight away charlie thanks her rescuer and begins to babble incessantly as will attempts to calm her down but then the daring do-gooder is taken aback as she kisses him on the lips by way of saying thank you for saving her. the embarrassed hero accepts her thanks but assures her that it is all in a day's work for a full-time fighter of crime - besides which, he is gay after all and although stunningly beautiful, charlie's advances are wasted on him. however, it soon becomes apparent that the reason she kissed him was not to thank the rescuer, nor indeed was it an attempt to woo the great will justice... no, the real reason she kissed him was to expose the crimefighter to her special invention - lassitude lippy! for it turns out that whenever someone is kissed by another person wearing "lassitude lippy" they begin to lose feeling in their body. it doesn't render them out but it does make the person feel incredibly weak and sure enough, will begins to feel the effects of this diabolical substance! it seems that the wicked heiress charlie monaco planned this all along! her mysterious disappearance was merely a ruse, a completely fabricated event to lure the great will justice into a trap - using herself as the bait!!! well, now will is really in a pickle as he feels his body begin to completely shut down... why has this brazen hussy done this to him and more importantly, what does she intend to do with him next?!? sometime later, having moved will to a cushioned bench, charlie enters the room and begins to tightly bind will's gauntleted hands behind his back using thin, cruel, pinching zip-ties. there is some feeling returning to the crimefighter's body but by now it is too little too late as the vile vixen has the helpless hero right where she wants him. holding his head in her hands, the wicked woman explains that it was indeed a cleverly orchestrated trap, designed purely to lure him into her arms. it turns out that charlie has admired the beefy bear from afar and plans on making him her own personal pet! again, will iterates that he is gay and he has no interest in her but charlie is adamant that he will eventually succumb to her advances and in an attempt to convince him, she takes out her huge pendulous breasts and shoves them into his face, demanding that he lick her nipples! utterly humiliated, will refuses and tries to resist the fiendish woman. but with his arms tightly tied behind his back and still feeling the effects of her toxic "lassitude lippy", he still cannot move much and the beastly brunette continues to humiliate and taunt him. in a desperate attempt to convince her to let him go, will tells the brazen harlot that his lover and fellow crimefighter stuart knight will come to rescue him but is shocked to hear that she has planned for this eventuality as well... charlie didn't just want will for her own personal plaything, she wanted both of them! and what the wealthy heiress wants - she gets!!! pretty soon, will's partner stuart will be falling into exactly the same trap as the dumb do-gooder did earlier and then she will have both he and his lover stuart as her helpless pets!!! gagging will with tight, silver duct tape, wound around his head and over his mouth, charlie leaves the humiliated hero alone to go prepare the van so she can transport both he and stuart - when he arrives - to their new home. kissing her trophy seductively on his gagged face, the evil charlie monaco laughs and leaves him alone once again to contemplate his fate. oh will, what have you gotten yourself into this time???