The Dinosaur Story (custom)
7 months ago
The Dinosaur Story (custom)
this was a custom clip: ""this video is inspirated on the one in wich you watch g re videos. you read a breaking new on internet: a dinosaur escaped the park and a group of merceraries. first you say "wow" and "poor people," but it really turn you a little bit on, and you also try not to laugh but it's kind of funny for you. you wonder if it has eaten them or stomped, and imagining it you even get honry, you say that you imagine this big dinosaur with big teeth, so big and powerfull as if it was very hot for you. you kinda envy them, you also envy the dinosaur. then you laugh and say, "imagine how scared were they" and mock their scared faces. afer that, you search for more information of this new and you discover that there is a video about it and you are very happy for it, you watch it while you laugh and mock them, as it was very funny to you. you say "byeee" to a mercenarie beig eaten and laugh, for example.""