Swallowing My Snot!
7 months ago
Swallowing My Snot!
This may just be the dirtiest, nastiest, craziest thing i've done in my clipstore if i go through with it... i decide to do a challenge, utilizing sneezing powder to induce powerful sneezes, stifling them multiple times to really get the snot flowing and the head rush going. huge ahhhhchooos bring on loads and loads of gooey sticky snot. i collect it all in my jar and talk about whether i think i will drink it at the end or not. i show off my jar of snot as it continues to collect. not only will i be ingesting my own snot if i go through with it, but also spit and sneezing powder that comes out. what a doozy! find out...do i actually go through with it once and for all?