Exposure Therapy w Dr Von Lux
8 months ago
Exposure Therapy w Dr Von Lux
You have been coming in to see dr. von lux for quite some time now and she is used to you being a special case. you wait for her in her office and just like every time you come in, you're petrified that she is going to step on you! as a client who is no bigger than a bug, this is a fear you face daily, and it is amplified every time you see your giant psychologist! dr. von lux has something very immersive planned for you today and while you're not sure if you can handle it, you are willing to try anything to escape the fear of being stepped on and crushed! she calmly and carefully walks in, her soothing voice putting you at ease and explains the course for today. she is going to expose you to different types of shoes and if you are able to overcome the bone rattling fear of them hovering above you, slamming down around you and possibly even gently pressing on you, then there is hope for you yet! dr. von lux is very careful through the process and eventually gets you right where you need to be! she turns to grab her notepad and *squish* she accidentally crushes you! at least you don't have a fear of anything anymore, you little smear!