Tiny, Tasty Sydney

Views: 111
Duration: 6:44
Submitted: 10 months ago
Title: Tiny, Tasty Sydney
Description: Agatha took a special drink that is supposed to give you more energy, power, strength, etc. when sydney screams comes over, she notices that agatha seems taller. agatha is unaware at first, but then also starts to notice that she is growing. sydney freaks out, worried that agatha is turning into a giant. what is in this drink? it can't be good for you! but agatha loves this feeling. she starts to tease sydney as she grows and revels in her new size. it dawns on agatha that she should eat sydney. sydney suddenly looks so juicy and tasty. when agatha becomes as tall as a building, she picks petrified sydney up and starts to taunt the tiny morsel. sydney pleads and begs, but to no avail as agatha toys with her before swallowing her whole.