Conversazioni sul belly punching - Conversations about belly punching #5 ( 2 PART )
8 months ago
Conversazioni sul belly punching - Conversations about belly punching #5 ( 2 PART )
Gisy, valerie, eleonore e ariane discutono tra loro riguardo le loro esperienze in fatto di belly punching. hanno girato un sacco di video a riguardo e sostenuto tantissime sfide tra loro e con le altre ragazze della gisyproduction, quindi discutono riguardo le loro tecniche preferite e chi, per loro, sia la migliore. quali pugni siano i più forti e le scene più dure che si ricordano d’aver girato. alla fine provano alcune victory pose tra di loro premendo col piede sull’addome della ragazza sdraiata. il video ha un tono amichevole e le ragazze si confidano descrivendo bene cosa provano durante le scene e come reagisca il loro corpo, in particolare l’addome, durante quei colpi gisy, valerie, eleonore and ariane shares their experiences with belly punching. they've shot many videos about it and done a lot of challenges with each other and with the other girls at gisyproduction, so they discuss their favorite techniques and who, for them, is the best. which punches are the strongest and which scenes are the hardest that they remember shooting. at the end they try some victory poses between themselves, pressing their foot on the abdomen of the lying girl. the video has a friendly tone and the girls confide in each other, describing well what they feel during the scenes and how their body reacts, in particular the abdomen, during those shots this is the second part, for buy full verisn click here related clips conversazioni sul belly punching - conversations about belly punching #4 conversazioni sul belly punching - conversations about belly punching #3 conversazioni sul belly punching - conversations about belly punching #2 conversazioni sul belly punching - conversations about belly punching full hd italian