Pretty Poison Saga: Ending Harvey Dent
8 months ago
Pretty Poison Saga: Ending Harvey Dent
(part 3 of pretty poison saga) pov you are harvey dent, who escaped ivy's toxic kiss in another real, but now you are totally fucked. you would have survived-- destroyed a whole species of plant. you would have even become evil. but now, pretty poison has you figured out. you will help to take down the batman by being a part of her plant ive. oh harvey, she is going to suck the soul from your cock. this saga takes place with pretty poison: ending time trapper and will take you on a toxic sex journey to save the rose, exact revenge on her former professor (floronic man), and finally take out harvey dent! poison has a long journey after harvey is finished: she will end lucious fox, both batwings, robin, and finally the bat man. this saga:pretty poison saga: time trapper pretty poison saga: revenge similar clips: poison ivy dangerous: robin ruined. poison ivy seduction and destruction poison ivy fucking ends the batman . controlled by poison ivy's ass part 2 . destroyed by jessica rabbit . final check up