beta Reconditioning Program Part 2
8 months ago
beta Reconditioning Program Part 2
Welcome back beta. glad to see you are committed to being reconditioned into being a better beta. taking this next step on your path shows that you are aware of your truth, that you are a beta. but it is one thing to say you are a beta or to be aware of being a beta, and another to feel and know that you are a beta with every piece of your being. your beta identity cannot be skin deep, it must seep down to your core being so that you can live harmoniously in your betahood. today, w we will work on internalizing your beta identity, so that you are not facing internal conflicts about your position or servitude and can obtain beta fulfillment. my website: themusenaadia my twitter: twitter /muse_naadia my promo twitter: twitter /themusenaadia my ig: instagram /musenaadia my wishlist's: spoilnaadia