CrystalBot 3000 GET BACK TO THE LAB!!

Views: 156
Duration: 22:50
Submitted: 12 months ago
Title: CrystalBot 3000 GET BACK TO THE LAB!!
Description: Crystalbot 3000 has been living as a normal human for so long now, shes completely forgotten shes a robot! until, she feels the humanly female urge to orgasm . to which crystalbot suffers a horrible malfunction! the malfunction still isn't enough to jolt this fembot into realizing who she really is. so crystalbot attempts again to play with her perfect pussy just to succumb to another series of malfunctions. what is going on? she thought to herself as she continued to explore her fembot pussy and debate with herself, was she a robot or was she human? still in denial she decides to dig deeper into her pussy and find the switch! humans dont have switches after all. success she found it! this proves shes a robot, but damnit she still wants to orgasm like a human! crystal plays with her pussy so much she malfunctions again, this time she is clicked back on by on of the lab techs! the lab tech wants to take crystalbot back to the lab but she refuses to go. she wants to continue to live as a human and will prove to the lab tech she doesn't need to return to the lab by showing she can orgasm like a human. this of course fails and crystalbot malfunctions so the lab tech pulls out the remote and controls this out of control fembot and shuts her off ass up in the air, to package her up and take her back to the lab for review!