Shaytana's Haraam Pussy Will Make You Ruin Destroy Your Iman
9 months ago
Shaytana's Haraam Pussy Will Make You Ruin Destroy Your Iman
Well, its that time of the year again, and i know you kafir khinzeers have been waiting for the greatest shaytana and her waswas. bow down to my haraam pussy and let my haraam cunt ruin your fucking iman. there is no one greater than shaytana, never will be. how effortlessly i laugh at your beliefs and make you realize why its so important to stop being a pretentious m boi, and accept shaytana as your real almighty, and no one else. see, no one else has got such control over you like i do. you do realize my supreme pussy power over you and your beliefs. lets destroy your iman now!