Bear hugs, lift and carry, stomach stomping
9 months ago
Bear hugs, lift and carry, stomach stomping
Nadia sapphire and chardonnay are in the ring stretching. both girls lock up but nadia takes control striking chardonnay with upper cuts. nadia then picks chardonnay up fireman carrying her around the ring and flexing showing off her strength. nadia throws chardonnay down stomping and standing on her stomach inflicting lots of pain. nadia then traps chardonnays head in between her strong thighs, flexing and squeezing chardonnays head even more going for a piledriver. nadia try’s tapping chardonnay out with headlocks, arm bars and abdominal stretches… pushing her elbow into chardonnay’s waist inflicting even more pain. nadia continues to show her strength bearhugging chardonnay who screams in pain.. nadia dose a victory pose pin putting her foot on chardonnays chest and flexing her muscles. nadia stomps chardonnay in the stomach even more, putting her in more submissions including a camel clutch and making chardonnay tap out in pain whilst screaming