sit popping huge balloons part 2
10 months ago
sit popping huge balloons part 2
Get unlimited access to all 400+ nastila clips on our homepage nastila ! get your own nastila balloons from this clip in your new looner shop nastila-balloons ! omg finally!! after the great reception of the first part, we are excited to release part 2! what's special about this is that larissa and anastasia will be sit popping their own long neck balloons and belbal b250 balloons (from ). it's worth noting that the belbal b250 balloons were very sturdy, making them difficult to pop by sitting. except for the large moab balloon, which is a different balloon and will be the only one spared and deflated at the end. most of the rest will be popped by both of them bouncing simultaneously on a balloon, squeezing the necks of the balloons to their maximum.item number: #1404