You Have A Look In Your Eyes I've Never Seen Before Sweetie - StepMom's Layers Made To Come Off
10 months ago
You Have A Look In Your Eyes I've Never Seen Before Sweetie - StepMom's Layers Made To Come Off
Sweetie, i'm not over-dressed. it's winter and freezing out. stepmom likes to be warm and cozy in lots of layers. why can't i dress like the other stepmoms, you say? honey, i've seen the outfits they wear. so provocative and i do not feel comfortable in that type of attire. you should be grateful i don't flaunt my body like showing off my tits or wearing short skirts that show my butt cheeks. if you ask me, it's beyond inappropriate for a stepmother to dress that way in front of her stepson. they must hate it! oh. they love it?!! well, i'm sorry if i embarrass you by the way i dress but i would never go out in public dressed in skimpy clothing. wear sexy clothes at home, you say? or just be naked? no never happening. you'll tell stepdad about how i spent all the money in our savings account? but sweetie, i'm slowly putting it back. please you cannot tell him. i'm begging you! take all my clothes off and you won't call him?! you cannot do this to me please. i don't want you seeing my body! on top of that it's freezing in here i'll be so cold. how did we get here. i want to cry. you have a look in your eyes i've never seen before. what else are you going to tell me to do?! fulfills your fantasy for: made to strip, milf, taboo, pov, role play, nudity/naked, embarrassed naked female, humiliation, crying, desperation, instructional, ass spreading, asshole fetish, pussy spreading