Task: Obey ME next to her!
10 months ago
Task: Obey ME next to her!
Sucha loser addicted to me so deeply that you cant resist obeying me wherever you are... today i have a special task for you. i want you being naughty for me, cos it makes me so horny knowing that you are doing dangerous tasks for me. the riskier the task the better it feels for me when you obey, it feels even better to you when you do it right there with her next to you. you are bad bad loser in love with goddess way out of your league and doing naughty things just to please me and make me cum with your obedience. listen to this clip next to her, watch it next to her, obey me next to her. i dont care if you get caught, i dont care that you will be harder than ever and trying to hide it from her. you are an addict, you will do it for me... you will flinch, twitch and throb with every snap you will hear, i am sure of it!