Views: 54
Duration: 11:51
Submitted: 4 months ago
Description: Women fucking detest and hate you; they think you're really disgusting and call you derogatory things behind your back as they giggle with their friends. women hate you for being a a pathetic beta male bitch. you're disgusting in addition to being unattractive. your insecurity makes you appear even more unappealing. you're so strange and eerie that no lady could possibly find you attractive. even just thinking about being close to you makes women shudder, much less being in a committed relationship. remind yourself of how despised you are by women while you massage your pitiful cock. you feel more unworthy than ever as a result of their constant rejection of you. you are a fucking loser who strokes his dick to ai porn. you are a failure and a waste of space, and that is the reason behind your constant failures with women. you will never be loved by women. you'll always be to them a repulsive, scary weirdo who isn't deserving of their time or attention. so feel free to caress your dick while listening to their laughter and remembering how they rejected you. allow it to deepen your self-loathing and your desire to be nothing more than a tool for women to take advantage of and mistreat again.