Land Yacht Series: Havaianas Flatforms Cranking and Stalling (mp4 1080p)
10 months ago
Land Yacht Series: Havaianas Flatforms Cranking and Stalling (mp4 1080p)
(crank, stalling, and driving in this clip. contains 3 static pedal views and 1 in-game view. contains simulated pedal pumping in a video game. run time 5 minutes and 3 seconds.) story: i want to leave work for some retail therapy but first i have to start the old boat. i get in and turn the key only to have the expected happen. i keep at the ignition and start adding in some gas pedal pumping with my havaianas flip flop. i crank the car for awhile until it starts up and i head towards downtown. i stall out on the off ramp and have to give the gas pedal some love again. after some more cranking i make my way into the mall parking lot.