4K Ziva Fey Soccer Referee Struggles To Set Up The Goal Posts!
1 year ago
4K Ziva Fey Soccer Referee Struggles To Set Up The Goal Posts!
4k/ -part one of the struggling referee series- ziva fey is a young college student needing a summer job. ziva gets a job as a soccer referee to earn money in order to afford her upcoming semester. ziva’s a nice girl… however she’s a bit small and skinny to be cut out for a referee job, ziva doesn’t realize this though, she just needs the job. her coach is a bit of a tyrant and instead of truly coaching the team and the young lady how to be a referee, he resorts to talking and threats! he is an an old school kinda coach.the scene opens with the coach, berating ziva and yelling at her, threatening that if she doesn’t set up all of the goal posts before the game start, she is going to be fired from her summer job. ziva freaks out as she desperately needs the money and puts all her effort into moving the bundle of goals, all stacked up together on the field. ziva struggles and strains to move the goals, grunting, groaning, straining, flexing her muscles, shaking, as her face turns red, and the veins in her forehead bulge out. she makes lots of strained faces and noises, trying to move the goals in various ways, but every time the petite referee is non-triumphant. ziva doesn’t give up, grunting and groaning with all of her might trying to move the goals is her only prerogative, will she be able to even move one? will she be able to keep her job? watch now in this tantalizing struggle conquest!! !