Police Woman Brutality- Caning (MP4 HD)
1 year ago
Police Woman Brutality- Caning (MP4 HD)
Watch as officer deanna storm dishes out a ruthless caning upon this perp's ass. after he was caught speeding and driving under the influence this nimrod was dragged off to a private punishment room where officer deanna has been teaching him a lesson, in her special style that may seem unorthodox to some. deanna is a renegade cop, who believes the flexible laws often allow criminals to get away and she hates repeat offenders. she is determined to break this idiot so he will no longer be a menace to society. with him strapped down tightly to a bench, she drops her cane in succession against his sorry flesh. instant welts spring up on his pathetic law-breaking ass. officer deanna warns the man that the troopers at the precinct would be even harder on him, as they hate drivers with a passion. in fact he is lucky she got to him first. submitting to her brand of discipline will save him thousands in fines and possible jail time. by the time she is done with her vicious caning, his ass is literally covered with deep cuts. she will continue these beatings regularly, once a month for the next 18 months until he is completely rehabilitated