Heaven & Hell Ft Tyler Lynn And Ama Rio - 4K
1 year ago
Heaven & Hell Ft Tyler Lynn And Ama Rio - 4K
Life is about... duality. no matter your size. this is why you will enter both heaven and hell. each journey leading you however to the same fate. consumtion. however both are not one in the same naturally. when you experience entering the gates of heaven, you are to be devoured by a bright towering angel by the name of tyler lynn. who will assure that your venture into her stomach is gentle. sweet. soft licks and a warm mouth to play in before making your way into her digestive track. everything will go pitch black. then off to hell with you. where you will be greeted by a seductive collosal medusa, ama rio. who wishes to absorb you into the underworld known as her gut. the darkness engulfing you as indegestion takes over once you are swallowed whole.