Sybian Cooking Show (Phoenix) - Episode 1

Views: 167
Duration: 25:17
Submitted: 11 months ago
Title: Sybian Cooking Show (Phoenix) - Episode 1
Description: In this pilot episode of sybian cooking show, phoenix sits atop the sybian with a bunch of food in front of her for her to demonstrate how to cook.  she starts it out pouring some apple cider which she downs a bit of, then begins to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, choosing from her options of peanut butters and jellies before her.  she makes a peaches and blueberry mix, blueberry muffin mix, cuts an apple to eat, and finishes off with a chocolate pudding. as the show progresses, the sybian ramps up, and more of her clothes come off, as her stimulation increases all while trying to stay focused as the host of the sybian cooking show.