Sheena vs Rocky Boxing Beatdown
11 months ago
Sheena vs Rocky Boxing Beatdown
Sheena has been invited to a mixed boxing match versus rocky. but before sheena sits down for a quick interview. one of the questions is "with all that is going on in your life, why would you risk getting injured in a mixed boxing match?" sheena can only smile. everyone should know that if there is one thing that sheena enjoys more than anything, it's dominating men. especially big men! and rocky definitely qualifies, clocking in at just a little over 6 feet and over 260 pounds! but sheena has long lived by the motto "the bigger they are, the harder they fall" and anyone even slightly familiar with the empress sheena knows that she always comes through on that motto! when the match starts rocky actually acts like he has a chance, with his big body absorbing most of sheena's shots. brimming with confidence he opens up the 2nd round scoring some cheap shots as sheena comes out to tap gloves. but soon rocky realizes he's exchanged short term gains for long term pain! sheena becomes enraged and unleashes earth shaking head and body shots that stun and bewilder rocky. one by one sheena's punches wear the big man man until he collapses. and collapses. and collapses. over and over again until mercifully the match is called before sheena can do any permanent damage! once again sheena exhibits the best in the world when it comes to strong, skilled and powerful combat!