Christmas Tree Angel Topper Comes To Life
11 months ago
Christmas Tree Angel Topper Comes To Life
I have no idea what's going on either. it's not like everyday i'm turning into a human form all of a sudden. i don't get the logics of any of this, why do i know some things and not others? why am i wearing this outfit? why do i look hot? i don't know man. what i do know, is you look... intrigued. and i want to see what happens when your pole down there gets to uh.. what did you say it's called? competition? orgasm? whatever. i want to see what happened, so go ahead, i see do whatever you've gotta do while i show off my body i've got now. and when you're done, well, you know, since i have no idea when i'll be turned back into my original form anyways, we might as well keep the exploring going now... you down? can you go twice in a row?