"Fighter Faux Pas" Macy Divine Vs Keri Spectrum (Grudge Beatdown, Sensual Dom Ending)

Views: 49
Duration: 15:43
Submitted: 1 year ago
Title: "Fighter Faux Pas" Macy Divine Vs Keri Spectrum (Grudge Beatdown, Sensual Dom Ending)
Description: Macy divine has met keri once before and learned exactly how bad ass of a fighter she is. but macy is one of those rare souls whom gets obsessively amped when she loses. after losing many nights sleep over her previous belly punch loss, macy decides to storm into keri's wrestling studio. keri is seated in a bra and panty as macy arrives and barely gives her a glance at first. this infuriates macy further and she gets right to the point: she wants a rematch against keri, and she wants it now. keri finds this hysterical and reminds macy how badly she wiped the floor with her once already. surprisingly, macy agrees with keri and suggest keri teach her a hold or two before they fight so as to make the bout more even. keri finds this even more amusing but feels sorry for macy and accepts. keri stands up and starts to walk through a rear naked hold with macy, showing her step by step. soon enough macy has the rear naked close to locked on properly and keri attempts to tell her so, but she won't release the hold. after tapping on macy's arm several times keri picks up on what's going on: macy wants this win badly enough to cheat! keri struggles in the *almost* correctly applied hold, creating space to escape. it's a close call for keri but she manages to escape and reverse their positions just in the nick of time. this is bad news for macy, really, really bad news. in a burst of anger keri slams her fist towards macy, sending her to the mats. keri then leaps on top of macy, quickly applying a grapevine. keri is spewing raging insults at macy while cranking the grapevine, and soon enough, she starts slamming her tits on macy's face as well. macy sees the writing on the wall and tries to blubber, apologize, submit, even ask for a redo; but it's far too late for that. now she will really feel keri's wrath! keri proceeds to deliver a deliciously vengeful beat down, leaving no stone unturned as far as tactics are concerned. macy is strong as hell, but keri's fury is leagues stronger, so every explosive attempt to escape falls flat. macy's spirit never allows her to stop her efforts in trying to muscle out of things but keri is just too far beyond her novice abilities. keri knows this fact and she totally exercises it. keri uses almost every part of her body to deliver macy's well earned beat down: tits, ass, fists, legs, arms; keri also takes her time while torquing each and every hold as she wants to truly make macy suffer for her stupidity. minute by minute macy is more mentally, emotionally and physically drained until she is begging, pleading and apologizing to keri. but a submission just isn't enough at this point for keri. she wants to dominate macy in as many ways as possible. keri puts her ass right up in macy's face and uses her python like legs to apply an insanely tight reverse figure four head scissors. she tauntingly explains to macy what she's going to do while pumping the hold: keri can tell that macy at least subconsciously is turned the hell on by being dominated, and with that in mind, she will be squeezing tighter and tighter with the reverse figure four head scissors while she strokes, fondles and caresses loser macy's pussy and clit. macy bellows when keri begins, and the sounds coming out of her are a chorus of defeat, pleasure and prolonged pain. keri's fingers are just as expert on macy's pussy as her submission hold is around her neck. ms. spectrum amps up the speed little by little until macy is screaming open mouthed into keri's ass cheeks as she cums harder than she ever has before. keri cruelly touches macy's now oversensitive pussy before transitioning the figure four head scissors to a straight reverse head scissors. just when macy thought it was over, keri delivers the real finisher. keri pumps her luscious thighs as tight as she can until loser macy is no longer struggling or submitting. keri then stands up, grins, and victory poses over macy. before walking out keri delivers a swift kick and a face pat, letting macy know she can come back any time she'd like for more. in this clip: -rear naked hold -arm drag -belly punch -body kicks/stomps -grapevine hold (with out and without double arm cross neck hold) -grapevine with breast smother -reverse breast smother -throat sit/face sit/high and tight school girl pin -side body scissors -traditional figure four head scissors -reverse face sit/throat sit -reverse face sit/throat sit with belly punching -straight reverse head scissors  -tit busting -wedgies -lying down surfboard -double chicken wing -body scissors with chin lock -final reverse figure four head scissors w/ pussy stimulation and loser's orgasm -final reverse straight head scissors until prone more!