A06 The Smother Treatment
1 year ago
A06 The Smother Treatment
The bewitching beauty called ginger has arrived to share her secret, kinky magic with you! this fascinating vixen overpowers frank and indulges herself in her cherished activity - smothering a weaker male! ginger uses some of her grappling holds such as pins or scissors to pacify frankie. while she smothers him, she keeps soothing him with her lovely voice. it must sound almost like an incantation to his ears, when ginger whispers: "oh, i thought this is your favorite game? maybe it is this one then?" after she switches from belly smothering to more hand smothering. the blonde dominatrix proves to be not only very powerful and enchanting. ginger is also very ingenious in using her body to make her boy surrender. she uses all of her body parts, like crotch, armpits, bum or her arms to keeps frank breathless. beautiful ginger does this in a such a sensuous fashion, that frank can barely walk away when she finishes this special smother treatment of hers...