Snorkel Gear Yoga On The Beach
1 year ago
Snorkel Gear Yoga On The Beach
It’s a perfect morning for some yoga by the sea. i’m wearing my pink swimsuit and have my pink towel. i start to warm up by stretching, a perfect way to loosen up my muscles. i need some shoes, i grab my long bendy black fins. i slip my feet into the rubber, my cute toes poking out at the end. these will make my downwarddog so much better! down into a cobra, my fins stretched right out behind me. it’s a bit bright, maybe my dive mask will help. i waddle over in my fins and grab my dive mask and snorkel. the snorkel is so good for my breathing exercises as i move into warrior pose. i flow into different stretches in my snorkel gear, it’s so relaxing! to finish my session i fancy putting on my life jacket. i slip it on, zip it up and fasten the clip. i pull the crotch strap nice and tight so that when i’m in yoga positions it will press against my pussy. it’s quite tricky on a life jacket but it feels so good! it’s getting pretty warm, time for a dip in the sea!