Gayer With Every Stroke

Views: 56
Duration: 11:07
Submitted: 1 year ago
Title: Gayer With Every Stroke
Description: I want you to think of your mind and sexuality like a glass. right now, your glass is empty. emptiness equates to heterosexuality. every strike of your cock represents a drop filling that glass. stroke. drip. stroke. drip. the more you stroke, the more your glass fills. the more your glass fills, the gayer your thoughts become. you may have started out thinking of sex with women. tits. pussy. but as you stroke and your glass fills, you soon find your thoughts shifting. instead of thinking of sex with a woman, you're beginning to think of sex with a man. stroke. drip. stroke. drip. your fantasy in your mind keeps getting gayer and gayer. you find yourself progressing through an entire gay fantasy. craving cock. wanting it to slide past your lips. wanting to feel a man's hands on your body. a man's hands on your cock. to feel him spread your legs, and your cheeks open. feel his cock slide inside you. your glass is filling. ever so slowly. soon, it won't be empty. every passing second, every pump you are becoming gayer. no longer is your glass empty. in fact, it's overflowing. no longer are you straight, or even questioning your sexuality. you've become a fully fledged gay man.