Sushii Xhyvette: School Lunch - mp4 hd
1 year ago
Sushii Xhyvette: School Lunch - mp4 hd
Your teacher sushii xhyvette is trying to teach, but the entire class is acting out. passing notes, playing with their phones, talking, and even eating when they should be paying attention! ms. sushii is beyond frustrated and decides to take matters into her own hands. she uses her powers to shrink you and the rest of your little classmates down to tiny size. then she begins to torment and eat them one by one. after eating the entire class, you’re next. down the hatch you go! sushii sits back at her desk with a huge bloated belly. she feels the entire class inside of her moving around. she rubs her big swollen belly and waits for her next class to arrive. hopefully they will be better behaved because she doesn’t have much room left!