The Secret of Goon (visual)

Views: 125
Duration: 6:42
Submitted: 1 year ago
Title: The Secret of Goon (visual)
Description: Watch my perfect natural tits bounce around in slow motion as i tell you a true revelation. big porn wants you to cum and cum and cum again. but orgasm is a lie. the only true path towards pleasure comes from the tantric form of edging-gooning. i am revealing the secret to you today. leave your harmful orgasm habits behind and invest in the gooning lifestyle. this is the video to help you fully understand why edging and gooning are the way. no more harmful orgasm addiction! orgasm is a deception, a lie. an unhealthy addictive method you use to try to make yourself feel good. this nonstop chasing of orgasms is stalling your life. stalling you emotionally, physically, even financially. throw away that harmful orgasm addiction. welcome to edging and gooning. gooning is an extended pleaasure state, a sort of tantric edging. gooning is actually a secret method of experiencing true bliss. time to learn to enjoy this bliss inducing concept. big porn doesn't want you to know that part. instead they want you to continue with your orgasm addiction because it benefits them. time to let your love of horny self-pleasure be for your own teased by my bouncing natural tits as i reveal the true nature of your orgasm habit and tell you why gooning must become your future-and present-sex life. i am now teaching you why you can never have orgasm again. be entranced by my boobs as i program you for an orgasm-less life coded towards edging and gooning. this is not a joi or instructional video. instead this is the revelation. this is how you learn the secret nature of gooning. (look for the audio only version in my store as well. it has no visuals just the spoken audio track from this clip)