I slap you and spit for you to clean my boots
1 year ago
I slap you and spit for you to clean my boots
Miss lith domina, a beautiful spanish domina wearing sexy glasses, orders her slave to crawl over to her to clean her boots with his tongue. the hip-high cow girl style boots, tied at her waist with a leather belt, the same material as the boots, and have a thin heel, suit her wonderfully. the slave crawls over to them, but the mistress slaps him before he can get his tongue out to lick and worship them. a little pain comes in handy before giving this enormous pleasure to her slave, who already comes with a hard cock.the slaps resound non-stop, and the slave's face gets redder and redder under the latex mask. as a shower of spittle falls on the slave's face and into his mouth, he needs to be well hydrated if he's going to worship with his tongue some longer boots.finally miss lith domina allows him to stick out his tongue and lick her boots, but first she humiliates him by making him pick up a spit from the floor with his tongue.now the long-awaited moment has come, and as she licks the slave's cock, it gets harder and harder. miss lith domina, una guapa domina española que luce unas sexys gafas, ordena a su esclavo arrastrarse hasta ella para limpiar sus botas con la lengua. las botas altas hasta la cadera al estilo cow girl, atadas a su cintura con un cinturón de cuero, el mismo material de las botas, y tienen un fino tacón, le sientan de maravilla. el esclavo se arrastra hasta ellas, pero la domina le abofetea antes de poder sacar su lengua para lamerlas y adorarlas. un poco de dolor viene muy bien antes de darle este enorme placer a su esclavo, que ya viene con la polla dura.los bofetones resuenan sin parar, y la cara del esclavo se va enrojeciendo bajo la mascara de latex. mientras una lluvia de escupitajos caen sobre la más cara y en la boca del esclavo, necesita estar bien hidratado si va a adorar con su lengua unas botas más largas.por fín miss lith domina le permite sacar la lengua y lamer sus botas, pero antes le humilla haciendole recoger un escupitajo del suelo con su lengua.ahora si, ha llegado el ansiado momento. y mientras lame la polla del esclavo se va poniendo cada vez más dura.