Pregnant With My Boyfriend
1 year ago
Pregnant With My Boyfriend
After arguing at a restaurant and saying a stupid comment 'i have to treat you like my babey', a passing old lady made the wish come true.. how out of every wish we could have had, this comes true. my boyfriend inside my belly, we've got to think of a way to get you the hell out of me. i lie back and try pushing you out, i cant feel anything, i do some squats, on all fours, try again, nothing, just you squirming around. i guess i have to have contractions to actually get you out, i try and think of ways i could get labour to start, i cant go out, nothing fits, all i can think of is that people say about having sex, seeing as you're in me, i could fuck a dildo. so i begin riding a dildo cowgirl, my pussy is so wet, i might as well make the most of this and end up having a huge strong orgasm. now we wait to see if anything happens... after a while still nothing, we might just have to wait for things to start naturally, you're going to be spending a while longer in me.