Pussy Free For Life Pledge
1 year ago
Pussy Free For Life Pledge
You'll never get pussy. it's hopeless. sex just isn't a possibility for beta rejects like you. it's time to finally give up, virgin. today, you're going to pledge yourself to the pussy-free life. you have a task. you're going to make a "no pussy for life" promise to me. now just relax, stroke your cock, and give up hope. you'll be surprised by how easy it is to do. trust me. and after you take the pledge? after you give up once and for all? life will be so much easier for you. no more disappointment. no more futile fantasies of fucking pussy. you'll be a pussy reject forever, masturbating your life away, and you'll understand that it's better this way. you'll also love: i like virgins pussy denial mindfuck it's good to be a virgin