Ignored (FULL HD) – Marisa
1 year ago
Ignored (FULL HD) – Marisa
On the one hand, it's definitely okay if you don't have lady marisa's full attention. she can be a real bitch. brutal, ruthless and she often uses sticks, crops and whips. a little ignorance can mean something good in this case too. and if it's just the fact that you can actually still sit after visiting her. again, and again slaves tell us about open wounds, bruises but also mental cruelty. but to be honest, we've never seen her so dismissive and ignorant. she must be engrossed in something. maybe she's hatching a sinister plan. the best thing in such a case is that you just stay in your corner and continue to watch her quietly. after all, it could be worse. after all, it also has the benefit for you that she plays with her pumps, her bare feet and her ankles, lost in thought. she may not even notice what you're doing in your quiet corner. what you... do to you! what do you imagine what you do with their feet? does your tongue run around her bare toes? or do you use another body part for these dirty shenanigans? it stays between us. as long as she's distracted, she won't notice. only the smell of fresh semen could break her concentration. but you wouldn't dare do that, would you? a little more respect!