Positive Femdom Life Guide: Weekly Affirmations
1 year ago
Positive Femdom Life Guide: Weekly Affirmations
you've been working hard on yourself, being positive, and becoming the best version of yourself. so, this week we will be setting intentions through affirmations. i'll give you lots of positive reinforcement, kindness and encouragement. i tell you all the poitive things i've seen you working on, congradulate you, and give you affirmations to absorb into your routine this week. things like affirming your feelings, talking kindly to yourself, and valuing yourself enough to draw healthy boundaries. through this wholesome femdom encouragement, i'll softly talk you through the next steps to continuing onto a positive life and reaching your goals. we will do guided breathing, relaxation and some entrancement to solidify this. being soft, guiding, and encouraging will motivate you to persist on all your journey.