Kinggluttony Update
1 year ago
Kinggluttony Update
Today we have an update visit with our old pal kinggluttony. after a series of swings in his weight he tells us what happened lately, what struggles he has to fight everyday and give us an update what happened about he's weight. his belly is getting harder and thicker, and it is difficult for him to catch his breath when he is standing. his body is as corpulent and round as it has ever been. his chest and belly and ass are still massive, fat and squishy. his thighs have grown so massive that they have basketball sized rolls hanging from them. at 38 years old, life is a struggle but he is still going! welcome back, kinggluttony! so good to see you are still around, stay strong. that bearish megachub is cuter and more handsome then ever. we hope you have the strength for more content soon, because we missed you