E52 - Juliette Extreme Slapping (english subtitles)
1 year ago
E52 - Juliette Extreme Slapping (english subtitles)
Furies room is world #1 top seller on face-slapping on c4s. furies room is known for absolute extreme slapping. black eyes and hugely swollen face with red stuff are common. the sub used in furies room session is the most resistant pain slave for slapping i've ever met. follow us on our new twitter : english this session was shot just after the session with the very shy girl in front of her.here, juliette clearly shows how it’s done. she’s got the face of an angel, and the hands to deliver some absolutely monstrous slaps.a real lesson in slapping. incredible. a must watch for every slapping and juliette fans. (francais) cette session a été tourné juste après la session de la fille très timide, devant elle. là, juliette montre clairement comment s'y prendre. un visage d'ange, et des mains capables d'envoyer gifles absolument monstrueuses.une véritable leçon de gifles. magnifique. a avoir absolument pour tous les fans de gifles et de juliette.